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This approach prioritises production and is also aimed at facilitating deracialisation and improving rural livelihoods. It advocates an increase of expenditure on existing smallholder agriculture and transferred land by concentrating on innovative projects and post-settlement support. The paper analyses recent information on the commercial sector and on smallholders. Evidence suggests that the former is still expanding and is of major significance for the agrarian economy, food security and exports. Evidence on smallholder production is uneven but suggests that land intensification tends to take place in limited areas and land is already available. Investment, inputs and skills are a priority. The implication of this approach is that commercial agriculture needs certainty, but not subsidy, and that redistribution should be gradual with the focus on projects and partnerships rather than percentages. Partnership implies both linkages at different scales of production and linkages between state and private sector. Provision of secure land and housing in urban and peri-urban areas should be a priority in land reform. This is still the major pattern of movement in the society. Policy should follow the people. There is scope for production in this context too.

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